2,000 sq. ft.
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Science North was hired by the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (Denver, Colorado) to create BodyTrek, a multisensory theater experience where visitors get a personal look at the body's responses and the changes that take place while hiking to over 14,000 ft.
As they take a 12-minute virtual trip up Mount Evans with an expert mountain guide, visitors are immersed in spectacular footage shot in doublewide high definition panoramic video, projected on a custom screen. As snow swirls and winds howl, visitors see, hear, and feel what it would be like to climb a mountain and they learn how their own bodies
would react.
Using sensors in the seats, real-time bio-feedback is collected throughout the show so that the audience can compare their own bodies' responses to those of an expert mountain guide's.
Science North - Sudbury, ON
- Healthy Living
- Physical Activity
- Human Performance
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(249) 885-2142